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Coup d'état

The davidlipszyc.com website, under the heading -Documents- present an article written and published at the time of his exhibition in Aix-en-Provence, in June and July 1982.
This article, written in great haste, lends a particularly direct and intuitive character to the artist’s thought, to the extent that the gaze that he describes is not so much contemplative as productive, particularly in his work touching upon the figure of Christ in Veronese’s Cana Wedding.
This same article also evokes the artist’s own conception of his art to which he attributes the capacity of separating – schize - the human being from his language by means of a radical “coup d’œil” (glance) and the ordeal of the turmoil or the astounding experience that ensues – an ordeal at least that radically changes one – a “coup d’état.”
These issues are quite as central to all discourse on art as is silence to the artistic ordeal.
Some exciting developments of these ideas are to be found in the works of Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN – particularly in La peinture incarnée, 1985, Devant l’image, 1990, Ce que nous voyons, ce qui nous regarde, 1992, and so forth, which give an account of the sophisticated approach that can be produced about art.
David Lipszyc 
Paris, 5 March 2011